Names Called For Interview Tanzania Institute Of Accountancy
The Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) is an Executive Agency under the Ministry of Finance and Planning which was established on 1st July, 2002 by the Government Notice No. 489 of 1st November, 2001 and officially launched on 24th January, 2002 as per Act No. 30 of 1997.As an Executive Agency, TIA is operating ‘semi’ autonomously and commercially in providing quality education in the field of Accountancy, Procurement & Supplies and other Business related disciplines so as to become a self-sustainable Institute.
TIA is accredited by NACTE as an Institute of Higher Learning, mandated by NBAA and NBMM to offer training or conduct Programmes in the fields of Accountancy and Procurement and Supplies.
The following applicants have been selected for written interview for the post of Tutorial Assistant, to be held on 21st December, 2019 at Tanzania Institute of Accountancy - Dares salaam at 09:00am.