Does Rhino Increase Human Sex power?
The rhino in Swahili is Faru and not rhinoceros as many call him. This animal is found in the order known as PERISSODACTYLA.His family is RHINOCEROTIDAE and his scientific name is DICEROUS BICORNIS for black rhino and White rhino his scientific name is known as CERATOTHERIUM SIMUM.
The rhino is one of the BIG FIVE animals in Africa, others are leopard, lion, tiger and elephant. There are approximately five type of rhino in the world and in Africa we have two that are WHITE RHINO and BLACK RHINO.
In Tanzania we have only one type of rhino which is the Black Rhino although there are also white rhino populations that are introduced into South Africa.
Rhinoceros are also endangered animals due to extinction by poachers, due to their high value in Asia.
These horns are used to make a dagger along with the popular Viagra medicine used by fathers to bring honor to the marriage.
They believe this is due to "FARU" spending a lot of time during intercourse where she can stay on her back for more than 40 minutes.
Due to the long-standing power of sex, people thought that his power came from the corners of what scientists have proved to be true.
Rhino are usually animals that live the life of both males and females only encounters in their communal season, where they search for the odor emitted by a female when she needs a male.
She carries her pregnancy for 18 months and gives birth to one baby, Twins are rare.
The rhinoceros is also among the largest mammals in the dry land where it can reach up to 1-2.3 tonnes for the white rhino and 0.8-1.5 for the black rhino.
When an incident occurred in South Africa in the Kruger reservation, three "Faru" in swahili in their pride decided to strike a truck in the middle of the road