18 Job Opportunities Ajira Portal Utumishi TRA And UCSAF February 2020
On behalf of The Universal Communications Service Access Fund (UCSAF) and Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) Public Service Recruitment Secretariat, invites qualified Tanzanians to fill 18 vacant posts as mentioned hereunder.
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The Universal Communications Service Access Fund has been established under section 4 (1) of the Universal Communications Service Access Act No.11 of 2006, Cap 422, with the following objectives:-
i. Ensure the availability of communication services in rural and urban under- served areas;
ii. Promote the participation of the public and private sector in the provision of universal service in the rural and urban under-served areas;
iii. Promote the socio-economic development of the rural and urban underserved areas;
iv. Create a framework for an open and efficient access to and use of communication and service in production and availability of competitive market;
v. Promote widespread provision of quality services at affordable rates and ensure that, rural and urban under-served areas have access to communication and information services at a reasonable and affordable prices; and
vi. Ensure availability of universal services by enhancing communications services access through private sector participation.
Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established under the Tanzania Revenue Authority Act No.11 0f 1995. The Authority is a semi-autonomous agency of the Government responsible for the administration of the Central Government taxes as well as several non-tax revenues. TRA is currently implementing its Firth Corporate Plan whose vision is to enhance voluntary tax compliance.
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For full job details see PDF below to download the file, Deadline for application is 27th February, 2020.