Sunday, 8 December 2019

Katavi Region Form One Selection 2020

Katavi Region Form One Selection 2020, Waliochaguliwa Kidato Cha Kwanza Katavi, Katavi Selection 2020 Form One 

The Katavi region with a total area of ​​47,527 square kilometers which is equivalent to the total size of the areas of Mwanza, Shinyanga, Dar Es Salaam and Mtwara regions, was officially announced on March 1, 2012 by the government's decision to establish four new regions (Katavi  , Njombe, Simiyu and Geita) with the aim of moving administrative and economic services to its citizens and was officially launched on 25/11/2012 by Mr. Gharib Bilal, retired Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania.

The List of Selected Candidates is available for each Ward Education Coordinator, Each Board’s Advertising Boards and the Office of the Regional Head Office, Check it here

Katavi Form one selection for the academic year 2020

The following students have been selected to join form one for Katavi Secondary schools for the academic year 2020.
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