Job Tanzania At Marian university college (MARUCO), Jobs In Tanzania, MARUCO Log in, MARUCO Sims, MARUCO Online Application
Marian University College (MARUCO) is a Constituent College of St Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) and located in Bagamoyo along Mango Street. The University College is accredited by TCU since April, 2015.VISION: To become a quality institution of higher learning dedicated to the pursuit of academic and professional excellence for holistic liberation of humankind.
MISSION: To promote knowledge and skills which impart critical and independent thinking, integrity and self-respect, creativity, and commitment to service.
MARUCO pursues intellectual and professional excellence and proffers a beam of light to our contemporary society as evidenced by our
MOTTO: “Wisdom and Knowledge for Freedom”.
MARUCO emphasizes the provision of science teaching, research and consultancy. The staff, teaching and learning environment, and facilities in place at MARUCO will indeed make students excellent and highly competitive professionals.