الثلاثاء، 10 ديسمبر 2019

How To Register USSD | E-Government Agency (eGa)

How To Register USSD | E-Government Agency   Government through Government Agencies The Internet improves the availability of public Internet services by formalizing and facilitating the use of cell phones and Internet services in the State.  Therefore Public Institutions requiring the use of Mobile Services for the public use of mobile phones require a Short Code for Short Message System (sms) and Additional Data Services (USSD).  In addition, eGA is responsible for facilitating the allocation of Short Codes from the State Code cache group.  Terms: 1. Form 1 fully completed current and planned projects; 2. Project Text / Concept Instructions  Procedure: 1. Complete and submit the FORM for current and scheduled projects at Download Here 2. Submit a signed letter of Application; 3. Attach a project / Concept document showing the analysis of the situation, key aspects of the project such as:  Purpose of the Project Specify and define key project components that include: Purpose of the Project Objective of the project (in line with the Strategic Goals) The scope of the project Project outcomes that analyze key cost components such as the source and value of implementation costs, source and operating costs and a detailed plan of how stakeholders (especially key stakeholders) will be involved in the project Expected concerns in the project and plan to address it Implementation plan and project management and its sustainability Note: The Public Institution must be allocated a Short Code by the eGA, and then proceed with requesting a CERTIFICATE OF NUMBER OWNERSHIP from the Communications Authority (TCRA) before rendering the intended service
How To Register USSD | E-Government Agency 
Government through Government Agencies The Internet improves the availability of public Internet services by formalizing and facilitating the use of cell phones and Internet services in the State.  Therefore Public Institutions requiring the use of Mobile Services for the public use of mobile phones require a Short Code for Short Message System (sms) and Additional Data Services (USSD).  In addition, eGA is responsible for facilitating the allocation of Short Codes from the State Code cache group.

1. Form 1 fully completed current and planned projects;
2. Project Text / Concept Instructions

1. Complete and submit the FORM for current and scheduled projects at Download Here
2. Submit a signed letter of Application;
3. Attach a project / Concept document showing the analysis of the situation, key aspects of the project such as:

Purpose of the Project
Specify and define key project components that include:
  • Purpose of the Project
  • Objective of the project (in line with the Strategic Goals)
  • The scope of the project
  • Project outcomes that analyze key cost
  • components such as the source and value of implementation costs, source and operating
  • costs and a detailed plan of how stakeholders (especially key stakeholders) will be involved in the project
  • Expected concerns in the project and plan to address it
  • Implementation plan and project management and its sustainability
Note: The Public Institution must be allocated a Short Code by the eGA, and then proceed with requesting a CERTIFICATE OF NUMBER OWNERSHIP from the Communications Authority (TCRA) before rendering the intended service
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