Wednesday, 18 December 2019

DARUSO President With Other 5 Students Suspended

The University of Dar es Salaam (udsm) Government has suspended six students from the university, including Student Government President (Daruso), Hamis Hamis Musa and other DARUSO Leaders Suspended are Kasim Ititi- Parliament Chairman, Joseph Malechela-  Loan Leader, Silas Mtani- Court Chairman, Milanga Husein-Chairman of  CONAS Hamis Thoba-Deputy Speaker of Parliament

This come after wrote a letter to Higher Education Student's Loan Board want to implement four things include loan allocation for students as indicated in that letter (see here) by giving 72 hours without do so DARUSO with other Students could go HESLB office that allocated Mwenge Dar es Salaam 

Suspension come after Education Minister Prof. Joice Ndalichako order University Of Dar es Salaam to punish all Students involved in provide that statement to the government.

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