Thursday, 12 December 2019

10 TBS Achievement Under 4 Year Of JPM

10 TBS Achievement Under 4 Year Of JPM

Yesterday December 11, 2019 TBS Director TBS Director Dr.  Athuman Ngeya has described the achievements of four-year pf President of the United Republic of Tanzania John Magufuli in power.

"Those standards have helped businesses, entrepreneurs, industry and various stakeholders produce quality products that are competitive."  Athuman Ngoya, Director TBS

“The organization has successfully completed a total of 1,587 standards in various sectors including the food, chemical, environmental, cross-sector, leather and textile, engineering (electrical, mechanical, construction and metallurgy).  Dr. Athuman Ngenya

“TBS is responsible for quality control of products, so locally produced and imported products are tested for quality in our laboratories.  A total of 71,863 samples were tested in TBS laboratories equivalent to 85.6% of the target of 84,000 samples. ”  Dr. Athuman Ngenya

“Also in the last four years a total of 21,726 machinery were operated which equates to 82.5% of the target of 34,000 machines.”  Athuman Ngeya, Director General of Tanzania Standards Agency (TBS)

“TBS has 8 laboratories, of which 6 are accredited and accredited (Accreditation).  The reports provided by these laboratories are internationally accepted and thus enable the trader to gain access to international markets.  Dr. Athuman Ngenya

 “The following laboratories have been accredited:- 
a) Electricity Laboratory, 
b) Food Laboratory, 
c) Chemistry Laboratory (Petroleum), 
d) Electrical Engineering Laboratory;  
e) Mechanical engineering laboratory;  and 
f) Construction Labs." Dr. Athuman Ngenya

"The organization has successfully completed the construction of a new 8-store laboratory building that will simplify the operation of laboratory operations and solve the pre-existing challenge of sampling delays and area limitations."  Athuman Ngoya - Director-General of TBS

“TBS has continued to implement the Budget Act by submitting to the Government 15% of raw revenue and contributing to the government fund.  From 2016/2017 until September, 2019 TBS has delivered a total of Shs.  34.8 billion ″ Dr.  Athuman Ngomya, Director General of TBS

“TBS continues to train young entrepreneurs, businesses, industry and the general public on quality and product quality control.  Over the past four years we have been able to offer a total of 206 training seminars.  Athuman Ngomya, Director General TBS

"TBS has succeeded in opening offices in the region and borders as one of the measures to move services closer to the public in order to reduce delays in the provision of these services as well as reduce manufacturers' cost of compliance with the agency's services in Dar es Salaam."  Dr. Athuman Ngenya
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