الأربعاء، 18 سبتمبر 2019

HESLB Majina Fourth Round Verified By RITA

RITA Majina Awamu Ya Nne, RITA uhakiki , RITA Tanzania, RITA majibu ya uhakiki, RITA Login, RITA verification, RITA makao makuu, RITA Contacts, RITA Application, RITA uhakiki wa vyeti vya kuzaliwa, RITA veti vya kuzaliwa, RITA MAJINA AWAMU YA NNE 2019
Historical Background
RITA was officially launched on the 23rd June 2006 and replaces what was known as the Administrator Generals Department in the Attorney Generals Chambers,Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. It is an Executive Agency under the Attorney Generals Chambers in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.

The history of RITA dates back in 1917 when the German Colonial power enacted a law for registration of births and deaths (Proclamation No.15 of 1917 (Civil Area). When the British took over the administration of Tanganyika (Tanzania Mainland) from the Germans retained the Register of births and deaths established under the Germans law by saving it under the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1920 (Cap.108)
It should be noted that under both colonial powers registration of births and deaths was not compulsory for Africans.

Read Also:- Tahere Ya Kutoa Majina Wanufaika Wa Mkopo HESLB 2019/2020

Vision: RITA’s vision is to become the most efficient and effective Registration, Insolvency and Trusteeship service provider.

Mission: RITA’s mission is to ensure justice through provision of effective and efficient management of information on key life events, Insolvency and Trusteeship services so as to contribute to the National development.

For More Information And To See Names Verified By RITA For HELSB Loan Application 2019/2020 Kindly DOWNLOAD PDF FILE below:- 

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