Saturday, 18 August 2018

Why East Africa Oppostion Parties Are Not Strong

Democracy in the world is important because contribute development in our society. But in East Africa it there is difficult in adhering democracy principles such as General election, freedom of speech, freedom to work, and so on.
The following below are the reason existing of weak opposition parties.
  1. No strong East Africa opposition parties because opposition leaders do not have the ability to create an argument that attracts people to join their parties. It is arguing that the opposition leaders joining the ruling party are being bought, for self-conscious leaders should not make any understandable arguments to argue as teenage politicians. 
  2. The fact that opposition parties die in the East of Africa are conflicts within parties especially in the issue of personal interest, and the cause of democracy among opposition parties in the East of Africa. Opposition leaders are not willing to give up some of the powers that young people are thinking about. The leader sees they no longer have a chance in their parties so they leave to go for further guidance.
  3. Strengths of existing goverment. The way goverment doing there things in some countries of East Africa motivate opposition leaders to move from their parties to the leading parties. For Example in Tanzania most of opposition leaders move from their parties to Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)
In general the lack of argument for the opponents is the source of their death.
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